Environmental and social activities

We, Shin Nippon Machinery Co., Ltd produces mainly Steam Turbine and Pumps. Business activities for sales and after service of cover a widely.
We have been renewing corporate activities with awareness that business corporation have social responsibilities for protecting the global environment, for preserving environment, and for implementing sustainable development of society and economically.
We have been promoting environmental conservation as our environmental policy.
To achieve its basic policy on the environment, We have set the following six guidelines.
We will disclose to our environment policy at any time.
- (1) Give due consideration to possible impacts that our facilities may cause on the surrounding environment, promote harmonious relations with the local community and protection of biodiversity.
- (2) Faithfully adhere to legal regulations, agreements, and other environmental requirements to which we have agreed, and implement aggressive measures to prevent pollution and environmental contamination. To faithfully adhere to legal regulations and user requirements with regard to the management of our products and of chemicals.
- (3) Ensure effective use of resources and global warming prevention by cutting down on waste, and promoting recycling and energy conservation.
- (4) Contribute to an environmental society by offering the environmental consideration product through the reformation of a constant technology.
- (5) Establish environmental objectives and targets in accordance with our environmental policy, and periodically to review them with audit for environmental acceleration, through the process improvement to continually improve.
- (6) This environmental policy communicate to all employees, persons doing work under its control and our business partners for their understanding and support.
Green logistics
transport toward rail transport and ship transport, as well as working to reduce the instances of transport required.
Transporting products by railway container -
Transporting products by ship
Oil cleaning
On the "Environmental Day" of June 5, we are working to clean the lubricating oil devices used in our plants and the oil stains of machine tools. We also invite works under the theme of "Protecting the Sea of the Seto Inland", which is used as an internal poster for the Environmental Month. By making the recruited works poster, we are working to make the environmental days known internally.
Oil cleaning -
poster posted internally
Educational support activities
Every year, we accept junior and senior high school students from the Kure Plant neighborhood for internships.
We hope that this will be an opportunity for people to learn about Shin Nippon Machinery and to become interested in manufacturing.
Internship program for junior high school students -
Internship program for high school students
Support and contribution to local communities

Participation in naming rights partners
In July 2018, we participated in naming rights partners to support disaster recovery in torrential rains and to improve services for Kure citizens. The Kure Kizuna Hall, which is located in the Kure City Hall, has been renamed "Shin Nippon Machinery Hall" and is used by many people, including Kure City Hall.
~Term: October 1, 2019~March 31, 2029~
Concluded disaster prevention agreement with Kure City
In 2017, we signed a disaster prevention agreement with Kure City.
We will provide Kure Plant facilities as temporary evacuation facilities for local residents in the event of floods caused by tsunamis, storm surges, and floods caused by earthquakes.
Place of Provision
Community cleanup activities
Every month, we carry out cleaning activities around the Kure Factory.
This activity, which began in June 2011, had a total of over 1600 participants as of April 2024. We will continue our efforts in the future.

Participation in the Kure City Initial Fire Fighting Competition by the Self-Defense Fire Brigade
Self-defense firefighters participate in the "Initial Fire Fighting Skills Competition" organized by the Kure City Fire Department and the Kure City Disaster Prevention Association to improve their initial firefighting skills.
Community Initiatives
Blood donation
Twice a year, we visited our Kure Plant for the blood donation bus of Japan Red Cross Co., Ltd. to make blood donations for our employees.
We are working on the idea that if this is implemented internally, it will become a little more powerful for anyone by donating blood if it becomes a trigger for the interest of our employees in donating blood.
Food bank
In-house, long-term storage pans are stored for emergency use.Pan will be replaced as soon as the expiration date is nearing, but we have recently replaced it at a slightly earlier timing and donated it to a food bank.
Hood loss in areas crossing local governments in the face of difficulty in supporting vertically divided vessels with loose tees donated toWe provide support for people who are having trouble with reduced use and food-related problems.

A family factory tour
We have held a family factory tour as an opportunity to inform the family of employees and subcontractors on the premises of "What kind of company is a new Nippon Machinery?" We visit the factory by eating regular meals that employees and partner companies always eat in the factory cafeteria, and by preparing pleasant attractions.

Prayer Room
There are various religions in the world.
Some customers who come to the factory and some of our employees are worshipped for Islam.
In the factory, we have set up a Prayer Room equipped with a hand washing area for these people.